And a Blessed World Humanist Day to You!

And a Blessed World Humanist Day to You! June 21, 2015

pilgrim seeing through

Various of my friends and more often folk who are passingly familiar with my work think I’m some sort of Buddhist Christian. While it is true I have deep affinities with the Christian tradition, particularly its metaphors and images, and could be called a cultural Christian with some truth, the best box to try and cram me into would have to be “liberal Zen Buddhist,” or, some might prefer “modernist Zen Buddhist.” So, in fact, the tradition outside of Buddhism I most align with, at least intellectually, is humanism.

Now, as it turns out the good folk at the International Humanist and Ethical Union encourage people to pause on this day and reflect on the gifts of humanism as a way of life. They picked the 21st of June to do this as it is usually the solstice. A good call, I think, for a philosophy that calls us to the full light.

Personally I think it might be a good day to thank a humanist for standing for the light of reason, for caring for humanity, and despite the etymology of the word, for a full throated support of the natural world as our true home. For me humanism is all about the path of reason, looking hard, rejecting that which cannot stand the light, and then living from the place where that path has taken us.

As it turns out that place is one of radical interdependence. Not all humanists get this, I understand that. Reductionism is the shadow of rationality. And sometimes the tools of reason are so seductive, missing the forest for the trees, its advocates can forget to live. But, those who do catch the glimpses of that glorious larger picture, oh, my, they are the prophets pointing to the saving of our little world.

Given my penchant for the images and metaphors of the Christian, and, of course, with that Jewish tradition, when I think of humanism done right, I find myself thinking of the 1st Psalm. In particular I think of Stephen Mitchell’s lovely gloss.

Blessed are the man and the woman
who have grown beyond their greed
and have put an end to their hatred
and no longer nourish illusions.
But they delight in the way things are
and keep their hearts open, day and night.
They are like trees planted near flowing rivers,
which bear fruit when they are ready.
Their leaves will not fall or wither.
Everything they do will succeed.

The humanist way.

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