On Hitting a Plateau. The Ongoing Meditations of a Weight Watcher

On Hitting a Plateau. The Ongoing Meditations of a Weight Watcher August 11, 2016


As of today, it is our sixteenth week on Weight Watchers.

We joined when my doctor said the magic words “borderline diabetic.” Jan thought she could trim a bit, too. So, we’re doing it together.

On balance we’ve been going great guns. At the four month mark we’ve both crossed ten percent of our body weight. More specifically I’m at a tad better than twenty six pounds gone away. We’re both experiencing those pleasant moments of clothing getting loose, sometimes so loose we can’t, or, at least shouldn’t wear them anymore.


Last week I gained four tenths of a pound. Today I was flat. I’ve long been fearing a plateau. The first time I was on Weight Watchers about ten years ago, it was when I hit a plateau that I stopped. So, with a little fear and trembling I asked the folk at the counter about the possibility I’d hit a plateau.

They opined that it certainly was possible, although they officially measure a plateau as four weeks of steady or slight weight gain. So, I’d only be half way for that official call.

They also probed a bit as to how accurate my counting is, and my exercise. Doing some hard looking, I’m think the counting is my biggest problem at the moment. Sigh. I’m living evidence of the human capacity for self-deception.

But, this also allowed me while rummaging around the interwebs to find a very informative article on the subject of plateaus in weight loss. For those interested in such from the evidence based crowd, here you go, Plateaus: Why they happen, and how to get through them by Tufts University professor Susan Roberts, who has appointments in both the departments of nutrition and psychiatry.

You’re welcome…

Oh, and as long as we’re on the subject of food…

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