Zen Teacher David Loy Points to the Intimate Universe

Zen Teacher David Loy Points to the Intimate Universe March 23, 2017

David Loy quote

The Universe is not a place where evolution happens, it is the evolution. It is not a stage on which dramas unfold, it is the unfolding drama itself. Loyal Rue, in Everybody’s Story

If the universe is not something that is evolving but is the evolutionary process itself, then another word to describe that development, in all its cosmological, biological, and cultural aspects, is creativity. Are the cosmic formation of galaxies, the biological ramification of spectating life forms, and the cultural development of human societies different manifestations of the same generative principle? Not as different things that the universe is making, which assumes the old duality between nouns and verbs, but as various transformations of a resourceful process that ceaselessly creates new physical, organic, and cultural forms.

David Loy, A New Buddhist Path

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