A Zen Teacher Maps Out the Spiritual Path

A Zen Teacher Maps Out the Spiritual Path April 2, 2018




I’ve been ruminating on the spiritual path a lot of late. In particular I’ve been reflecting on the maps various teachers have offered. One of my favorites is from the Zen master Dosho Port:

The Zen development theory I offer follows these major stages:

1) idealization

2) covert clinging to hopes for magical gain

3) extreme crabbiness at self and others

4) steadily walking without getting anywhere

5) experiencing fruition

6) falling into a well

And then, of course, the spiral stages repeat.

From Dosho Port’s Keep Me in Your Heart A While

Me, I love some of the details like seeking magical gain, and crabbiness, and very, very much our falling into that well; all so true. And. Those noted, I find it’s the spiral of it all that is most important of these pointers…


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