January 10, 2011

Just a reminder for all of you who currently live in “winter wonderlands” to keep an eye out for symptoms of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder).  This is a type of depression that only occurs at certain times of year (usually when there is less light – typically the winter months).  It can include moodiness, irritability, sadness, hopelessness, etc.  You should take note if these types of symptoms last for more than two weeks.  SAD has also been linked to an... Read more

December 26, 2010

I recently came across this study on the practices/attitudes of observant married Jewish women.  I thought it was fascinating and has many correlating aspects to observant married Mormon women. Observant Married Jewish Women and Sexual Life: An Empirical Study I found this information on the following site:physioforwomen.com Talli Rosenbaum runs the site and is a urogynecological physiotherapist and sexual educator.  She has several other articles on this site that I would deem as useful resources for people struggling with several... Read more

December 23, 2010

I was speaking with a good friend about my married life and was pointed to your blog. Thank you for sharing your hard earned knowledge in such an open and honest manner. It’s really neat. I know that other people have asked about being in a “sexless marriage” and though mine is not “sexless” per say, I feel as though my wife and I are in some stormy waters when it comes to our sex life. I’m sure there is... Read more

December 21, 2010

Guess I should admit it here, I didn’t realize the connection between porn and masturbation until I was in my 50s. It is only in the last year or so that when I hear about someone with a porn problem I realize that they have a masturbation problem. That still seems strange to me. I’m a guy. I am uncomfortable with this general assumption that seems to be prominent within LDS culture.  First of all, how we define “problem” can... Read more

December 20, 2010

For those who might be suffering from vulvodynia I wanted to give some resource links:National Vulvodynia AssociationVulvodynia at Mayo ClinicVulvodynia at WebMD Vulovdynia is characterized as chronic pain in the vulva (labia, clitoris and vaginal opening) and can cause problems ranging from sexual to being able to sit for long periods of times comfortably.  Read more

December 15, 2010

The following statistics come from a study conducted in 1994: The Social Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in the United States by Laumann, Gagnon & Michaels.  They show the frequency of sexual dysfunction in the general population in the US and the results are fairly consistent with other studies that have been conducted since then. Women unable to lubricate: 20%Men unable to keep an erection: 10%Climax too early: women 10% and men 30%Anxiety about performance: women 10% and men 17%Lacked... Read more

December 13, 2010

Some dealing with chronic sexual issues may find the following article useful on healthysex.com: The Maltz Hierarchy of Sexual Interaction Read more

December 11, 2010

Check out the following blog post on helping those married to someone with Asperger’s communicate more efficiently:Communication in an “Aspie Marriage” I think many of the suggestions could apply to any marriage really. Read more

December 10, 2010

Check out the following article in the Salt Lake City Tribune regarding scrupulosity wherein I was interviewed. Religious Devotion Gone too Far- Scrupulosity affects Catholics, LDS and other believers Read more

December 9, 2010

This blog post is offering a free e-book through the end of the month regarding the topic of sexuality after babies. Sex and the Baby Years Read more

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