Philippians 4 Challenge: Day 19 (Thursday, Jan 28)

Philippians 4 Challenge: Day 19 (Thursday, Jan 28) January 28, 2016

Extra Credit: Restore relationships.



“I plead with Euodia and I plead with Syntyche to be of the same mind in the Lord. Yes, and I ask you, my true companion, help these women since they have contended at my side in the cause of the gospel, along with Clement and the rest of my co-workers, whose names are in the book of life. Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” Philippians 4:2-4

The context to the famous command to ‘Rejoice in the Lord!’ is a fight between two godly women. For some reason they got crossways, and Paul asked his trusted companion in the church to be a peacemaker. Although our focus has been on four primary commands in Philippians 4, the entire chapter is a treasure trove of wisdom. For the next two days we’ll be looking at two more habits that can fuel your personal transformation.

Once you start seeing your mind renewed and begin to see the seeds of contentment bearing fruit in your life, it’s time to turn outwards and share the love. What God has begun in your life is something that people all around you desperately crave. Your contentment will seem like a pipe dream to people caught in a world of broken and fractured relationships.

Begin to make things right. Be a peacemaker. Bring people together. Heal wounds. Be a conduit for forgiveness. Then on top of contentment, peace of mind and a closeness to Christ, you’ll add a healthy dose of purpose as you sense your life being used by our Creator to make a positive change for good in the world.



Share in the comments below and answer this question, “How can what you’ve learned in the Philippians 4 Challenge help you to be a peacemaker and restore relationships of those around you?”



God, bring to my mind those to whom I can be a peacemaker. Give me the words to say and the presence of mind to spread this peace within me to those all around me.



Do something intentional today. Start a conversation. Make a phone call. Do something to begin to heal the relationships of those around you. See what happens!

Use #phil4challenge to spread the word about the Philippians 4 Challenge!


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