Friday Evening Musings

Friday Evening Musings December 17, 2010
Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim

Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah
Ah, finally a moment to relax.  The hubby  is home, getting ready to take a shower, which is why I am here and not chilling with him.  The kids are playing quietly and the baby is taking a nap.  For once, chaos does not reign.
I was considering today how much having the kids sick has cut into my writing time.  Amazing how much time the extra laundry, medicating, potty trips, diapering, head-holding-while-barfing, and other activities take out of my day.  Alhamdulillah, everyone is doing reasonably okay, not “miserable sick”, able to eat and drink and with decent energy.  Just have to let the thing run its course.  So far the baby and I have been spared, a real blessing because it’s hard enough taking care of everyone while I’m healthy.  
I’ve managed to clean a mountain of laundry, feed everyone, wash dishes, clean the bathroom, and cook the rest of the Eid beast, so I feel very virtuous and I plan to take the evening off and maybe, just maybe, work on my cross stitch.  
Ah, as if on cue, a fight erupted between two of my kids and my toddler has approached and has flung herself on the ground in a tizzy because her brother took the Buzz Lightyear toy she had just grabbed from him.  Good to see that the usual order of things has reasserted itself.  And the baby woke up and is sitting on the remote and is changing channels with his butt.  And the two middle boys want more pizza.  And the oldest son is watching an episode of NCIS I’ve seen way too many times.  Sounds like I’m back on duty.
May Allah bless us all to appreciate the mundane beauty of our lives and to see the transcendent in the everyday, Ameen.

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