Life is Happening and I’m Trying to Keep Up With It.

Life is Happening and I’m Trying to Keep Up With It. January 6, 2011
Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim

Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah

Hello, world! I’ve been wrapped up in my life the last few days and haven’t really had the time to write or even think about my writing.  It’s amazing; I go through a few very productive days and then I have a brain fart and can barely put two sentences together.  Well, I can blame it on my husband and my kids.  Honest!  My husband is now working from home again so we have to all adjust our schedules.  I’m working with him again, not full time yet, but answering email, doing paperwork, that sort of thing.  I am holding on to my “me time” tightly but it’s been pushed aside the last couple of weeks due to the chaos of the transition from warehouse to home.  I’m just digging in and not fighting it because it has to be done and I want to support him and not be the snipy little wench while he’s exhausting himself moving everything.  InshaAllah it will settle down in another week or so and I can get some sort of a routine back.  Right now, there are dirty dishes in the sink, mashed-up tortilla chips on the rug in the dining room, clean laundry that needs to be folded… I could go on.  But I have designated mornings as my time and since the baby is not fussing at the moment I’m not budging on that.

Ah, the baby.  His Majesty has been in a very needy, fussy state the last few days.  I was hardly able to put him down at all, and when I could I had to do needed tasks like making breakfast or lunch or cleaning the litterbox, stuff you can’t put off.  I was getting very frustrated, especially since his sister, who is two and a half, is also in a clingy state and is wont to fall on the floor with a dramatic temper tantrum if she doesn’t get what she wants.  Deep breath, count to ten, count to one hundred, eat a cookie, sigh.  Repeat as necessary.  I’ve been eating a lot of cookies.

There’s so much I want to do.  In a perfect world, my perfect children would be perfectly behaved and stand silently by looking at me with loving eyes while I type out the Perfect Novel and find a cure for hangnails in my spare time.  The reality is quite a bit messier, so I guess I have to just roll with it.  

I’m making a list of all I have to do:  call the vet, call the tax lady, figure out how to use Quickbooks, clean, laundry, clean again after the kids mess up what I’ve cleaned, and on and on.  I really wish scientists would get busy with cloning so I can have another me to help me out.  And alter that me’s DNA just enough so that she enjoys cleaning.  

Today, inshaAllah, I want to at least review my surah that I’m working on, surat Yasin.  And I want to do a bit of knitting.  And bake something.  But you know what?  I’m not gonna stress if I can’t.  InshaAllah I can get to it another day.  

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