The Cats are Cute But They Can Be a Pain

The Cats are Cute But They Can Be a Pain January 21, 2011

Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim

Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah

Okay, so, like the title says, the cats are cute.  They are friendly, fluffy, amusing, and all that,  But, boy, can they be a pain sometimes.  

I was awakened at oh-dark-thirty this morning by the sound of the two cats batting an empty water can back and forth along the hardwood floor in the hallway.  There was no ignoring it or sleeping through it; I tossed off my warm blanket and stepped out into the hall.  The wet hall.  It appears the water can was not empty when they first started playing with it.  I was next to the linen closet so I grabbed a towel to sop up the water, then went to put the can back in the bathroom.  More bad news.  The floor in there was wet as well, and the water had mixed in with stray bits of super-clumping cat litter that the cats had scattered from their litterbox.  Evidently, when that happens, the litter adheres to the bathroom floor kind of like cement.  Well, considering it was still the middle of the night, I just tossed another towel down and went back to bed.  

My morning routine is always hectic.  No matter how well prepared I am, something happens to throw me off schedule.  A shoelace breaks, a sweater is lost, someone spills yogurt on his pants.  There were no major disasters but now I had to add floor scrubbing to the morning regimen.  I’m always saying alhamdulillah that I have a small bathroom, so I was especially thankful today that I only had a small floor to scrub on my hands and knees.  Now the deed is done and my bathroom smells freshly of lemon-scented Pine Sol instead of, well, you know.  I can relax and enjoy my coffee before tackling the rest of the tax papers that are neatly laid out on a folding table in my living room.  I am woman, hear me roar!  I can juggle kids, breakfast, mischievous cats, and tax time all with one hand tied behind my back.  Okay, not really.  

Off now to check out Facebook, read the news, and then head to the kitchen to get a start on dinner.  Yes, it’s 9:30 in the morning and I’m starting dinner.  I’m ordering pizza for the kids inshaAllah tonight, but I’m also making kushari for us grownups.  May as well cook the lentils now so it’s one less thing to do later.  And I cheated and got sweet onions – lower sulphur content means fewer tears – so I won’t have to walk around with red eyes for half the day.  

Jumuah Mubarak to all my Muslim brothers and sisters!  

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