Tonight I Pray for Boston and the World

Tonight I Pray for Boston and the World April 15, 2013

Not much profound to say today.  After this latest outrage, piled on top of oh-so-many outrages here and abroad, I can only pray.  Pray for Allah to bring murderers to justice wherever they are.  Pray for Allah to give comfort to the parents who have to bury a child.  Pray for those who are so misguided that they consider mass murder to be a valid political tool.  My heart goes out to the victims of the bombing in Boston.  My prayers are for all innocent victims here in the U.S. and abroad – the fighters and families in Syria, the people shopping in a market in Baghdad, the kids killed at a wedding Afghanistan, the little ones who finally succumbed to starvation in Sudan or North Korea.  Every death, whether broadcast on the news or totally unremarked, is important.

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