April 19, 2017

This is Day 19 of the Ali Family #AutismTruths – April 19, 2017 Dear Public School Special Education Administrators and Educators, I admire a lot of you. I really do. To educate students with special needs and disabilities takes intelligence, patience, innovation, passion, compassion and superb listening skills in droves. You are working closely with parents and an entire administrative team to come up with Individualized Education Plans that tailors curriculums for each student you teach. You work to find... Read more

April 18, 2017

This is Day 18 of the Ali Family #AutismTruths – April 18, 2017. Dear D, Teach me your ways, oh son of mine. Teach me how you wake up every morning when I call your name, push the heavy blankets off you and face your day. There is never a Salaamualaikum, Mamma, or even a sleepy, mumbled ‘sup as you stumble down the hall into the bathroom. Just silence as you get up and get going with your day and... Read more

April 17, 2017

This is Day 17 of the Ali Family #AutismTruths – April 17, 2017. Dear Autism Parents (Is that even a thing? Can we say that?) The only way you’re going to figure this out is to start talking, sharing and connecting. A lot of you have come to me over the years to ask about different therapies, government supports, medical treatments, where to find doctors, where to find spiritual support and on and on and on. I wish there was... Read more

April 16, 2017

This is Day 16 of the Ali Family #AutismTruths – April 16, 2017. Dear God, I see what you did there. You knew what you were doing. Of course, you did. On the last day of spring break, when I was feeling this side of exhausted and a bit down for really no good reason, you sent to my home an unexpected visit with a friend and family I had never met before. And you said to me – think... Read more

April 15, 2017

This is Day 15 of the Ali Family #AutismTruths – April 15, 2017. Dear Friends, What do you say? Can I skip out on Day 15 of this month – hump day and all? I’m kind of “autism awarenessed/actioned” out today. Last night we had some family come to town to meet us and my sister-in-law’s family. My SiL hosted, and with so many people coming and it turning into a late evening, the husband and I decided that one... Read more

April 14, 2017

This is Day 14 of the Ali Family #AutismTruths – April 14, 2017. Dear Future Self, I would like to know you so much. I would not like to know you. Like many a parent of an autistic child, a large part of my brain and mental self is consumed by thoughts of the future, specifically D’s future, what it will look like, our places in that future and what all it will entail. It shapes nearly everything I do... Read more

April 13, 2017

This is Day 13 of the Ali Family #AutismTruths – April 13, 2017. This guest post is written by D’s Dad, otherwise known as “Baba.” Dear Dads, One of the biggest dilemmas we face as parents of autistic children is trying to find things, material things, toys and activities that our kids really enjoy. I was mentioning to my wife the other day that D is almost 17 and has never verbally asked me for a specific toy or game.... Read more

April 12, 2017

This is Day 12 of the Ali Family #AutismTruths – April 12, 2017. Dear D, Whenever time comes for us to take a family vacation or trip somewhere, I always somewhat dread it (even if it’s a trip to the beach, which is our gold standard, tried-and-true go-to family vacation/retreat spot), though I feel guilty about that, like I should be more thankful and positive. Do you? What do you think when you see me doing the prep cooking, packing... Read more

April 11, 2017

This is Day 11 of the Ali Family #AutismTruths – April 11, 2017. Today’s guest post comes from the autistic son of a friend of mine, who is nonverbal but definitely not non-communicative. Charlie is an 11-year-old autistic boy who loves reading, swimming, going to the beach, skiing and jumping on the trampoline. He is homeschooled and loves learning. He communicates using a letter board and keyboard. Read more about and from Charlie here. Dear World, I have autism, which... Read more

April 10, 2017

This is Day 10 of the Ali Family #AutismTruths – April 10, 2017. Dear Family: What does family togetherness mean to you? What does “having fun” as a family mean? Is it all of us together embarking on some new adventure, or some tried-and-true old favorite thing to do? Is it some of us doing things that are enjoyable while others stay home where they have a better shot of feeling more relaxed, less anxious and thereby happier? I’ve struggled... Read more

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