Vicka – “Open Our Hearts to God’s Love or We Shall Never Be Free”

Vicka – “Open Our Hearts to God’s Love or We Shall Never Be Free” March 9, 2016

vicka4Q: What is the main reason that the effects of Our Lady’s messages are not felt more strongly, so that people accept them with difficulty?

Vicka: That depends most of all on the person. We should try to pray for the grace from Jesus and Our Lady to help us, naturally along with our good will, to open our hearts. If we “manage” to open them, there will be no problems accepting Our Lady’s message.

Our Lady once said that people are afraid of changing their life, because at that moment they might be feeling well and think, if they accept the message, who knows what lies in store for them. I say they have nothing to be afraid of, for they have not been at ease so far anyway. If we are not ready to open our heart and surrender ourselves to God’s love, then we shall be in fear all our life and shall never be free.

Interview with Visionary Vicka Ivanković

Excerpts taken from book: Krešimir Šego, “Time of Grace”, published by Ziral in Mostar,

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