More on Russia and Prophecy at Medjugorje – Signs of Secrets?

More on Russia and Prophecy at Medjugorje – Signs of Secrets? April 25, 2016

Putin_inauguration_Kirill_0“Medjugorje is the continuation and fulfillment of Fatima” the Queen of Peace at Medjugorje 1991

“Russia will come to glorify God the most, the West has made civilization progress, but without God and acts as if they are their own creator” 1981


Why Did the Virgin Mary Choose Russia? Earth-Shaking Promises from Heaven about Russia

To this day it is a great mystery why Russia is so prominently mentioned by the Virgin Mary at Fatima and at Medjugorje.  Catholic intellectuals have debated Russia’s role at Fatima for decades.

Today in  Interfax-religion  Metropolitan Hilarion of the Russian Orthodox Church compares Europe with the atheistic Soviet Union which lends more evidence to the unfolding prophecy of Russia’s sudden Christian revival.

“It is surprising that today Russian and European civilizations have exchanged their roles in a certain sense. The Soviet Union was the country of the official state atheism, while all of us perceived the West as the Christian region,”


According to Metropolitan Hilarion , now it is quite the contrary: faith and the Church are revived in Russia, new churches are being built, monasteries and theological schools are open, while “religiosity is decreasing in the West, churches are closed, some church buildings are just sold.”

“Secularism and atheism have in fact become a new ideology of the Western Europe. Certainly, the Church is not persecuted there the way it was persecuted here in the Soviet times when churches were blown up and destroyed. But ideology of modern secular Europe practically excludes the Church and religion from the public sphere, so you can be religious as a private person, but your religiosity should not influence your public role, your professional activities,” the metropolitan said.

He also believes that religious revival in Europe will go through “being drunk with freedom, with permissiveness and people will understand what it leads to and start coming back to their Christian roots.”


The  Queen of Peace,  at Medjugorje revealed an astonishing prediction about Russia  to the six young visionaries on November 1, 1981.

In 1981 the Soviet Union was still very much an atheist state – at war with Christianity.  The Pope was a real threat to the totalitarian regime. So much so that the Soviet Union planned to kill Pope John Paul II.   The assassination attempt occurred on May 13, 1981, an anniversary date of the first appearance of the Virgin Mary at Fatima. One month after the attempt on the Pope’s life,  the Virgin Mary began to appear at Medjugorje.  Then six months after that the Virgin Mary  spoke about the future of Russia. In a brief message to the visionaries, She said: “Russia will come to glorify God the most, the West has made civilization progress, but without God and acts as if they are their own creator”.

“Russia will come to glorify God the most” 

Russian and Medjugorje are the secrets unfolding?

Watch rare video clip from the 1986 BBC Documentary on Medjugorje and the Prophecy on Russia – Amazing !




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