Former Spiritual Advisor to Mother Teresa “I believe that Medjugorje has a very, very important role in the Church to play.”

Former Spiritual Advisor to Mother Teresa “I believe that Medjugorje has a very, very important role in the Church to play.” May 17, 2016


Fr. Leo Maasburg was a close friend of Mother Teresa for many years, an was her spiritual advisor, translator, and her confessor. He traveled with her in India, Rome, and on many journeys ranging from Moscow, to Cuba to New York. See more on his Author page.

Msgr. Leo Maasburg, National director of MISSIO Austria, was in Medjugorje in April 2009

Interview by Sanja Pehar

This is not your first pilgrimage to Medjugorje. What are your experiences, do you feel here the presence the Mother God?

Today, I could identify myself with a little boy Joseph – the son of one of our co-workers. He is not yet one year old. He was sitting in his pushchair, smiling and obviously enjoying. This is exactly how I feel.

How do you see Medjugorje within the Church?

I believe that Medjugorje has a very, very important role in the Church to play. The Church is going through a difficult time all over the world, and people are very ready to accuse one another. I believe that the very presence of Our Lady can provoke unity. I see this among the Austrian groups who are coming to Medjugorje. In the midst of all tensions in the Church, they are standing still, and remaining completely faithful. They show in a motherly way what is essential in the Church and what not.

It is said: “They shall be recognized by their fruits”. According to you, what are the fruits of Medjugorje?

I can only quote my cardinal Christoph Schönborn who said that 90% of all new vocations in his diocese come in some way through Medjugorje. In Austria, I noticed in different parts of the country that in some parishes things happen that are not usual for an ordinaly life of a parish, like for example adoration groups for children. And who are those children? Those who were yesterday and the day before yesterday here in the church, completely in front. It means, Medjugorje radiates into the families, into the parishes. Again in the stile of Mary: she does nothing exceptional, she is exceptional.



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