prayer from the cell: silent assent

prayer from the cell: silent assent February 8, 2009


I had a horrifying experience this week with my iPhone. I love my iPhone. As I’ve said, out of the numbers of cell phones I’ve had, this is by far the best. By miles! Anyway, one day this week we had tons of snow drop on us. So I went to the church early to shovel the snow away from all the exits. After I was done and sitting at my desk, I noticed that my iPhone was missing. Crap! I knew that it must’ve fallen out of my coat pocket and got lost it in the snow. I went out and started poking through all the snow. Finally, after a while, I found it. It was encrusted in packed snow. I scraped of as much as I could, set it on a towel and set it on the heater. I tried it later and there’s no damage. I breathed a huge sigh of relief. I believe in the resurrection from the dead. My iPhone is with me once more!

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