You Must

You Must June 15, 2010

You must go find your own path. The path that that is walked is worn.

You must drink the new wine. The old wine has turned.
You must build your own house. The house of your birth confines you.
You must find your own lands. The land of your origin can’t sustain you.
You must climb your own mountain. The air you now breathe is stale.
You must find your own eyes. The eyes of others are blind for you.
There is a table set for you. But you must go into the midst of animosity to be enjoy it.
There is peace of mind waiting for you. But you must wander into the wilderness to acquire it.
There are friends you’ve never known who long for your love. But you must forsake all to embrace them.
There is new life just ahead, but you must die to find it.

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