painting: mystic north #1

painting: mystic north #1 August 4, 2010

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I’m working very hard at keeping nakedpastor going. It’s a lot of work (though pleasant) creating a new cartoon every day, as well as writing almost every day. This picture captures my idea of myself, far up north, at night, under the stars, contemplating the beauty of my surroundings, considering what would be the next wisest step into the future.

Some people have asked how to give money to nakedpastor to show their support and to help it succeed. So here’s my little plea: if you would like to help financially to take nakedpastor to the next level, you are invited to click on the paypal link and make a donation. Believe me, it will be appreciated. My first collection of cartoons is off to the designer, and I hope to have it available very very soon. Until then, to help with expenses, you are invited to donate if you wish. Again, thanks.

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