cartoon: no smoking

cartoon: no smoking September 23, 2010

So if God would punish people forever and ever, like any good father would do, then why shouldn’t he have laws that last forever and ever for those who suffer forever and ever? I mean, let’s be consistent, shall we!? What kind of father would say, “Okay, my rules don’t apply any more!“? No! A good father makes rules and sticks by them forever and ever. We need boundaries that don’t shift. If it is a sin now, then it is a sin forever and ever. NO SMOKING! EVER! I mean, you will smoke, as in burn, but you can’t smoke, as in smoking which is bad for your health and shortens your lifespan. Because you must smoke, as in burn, forever and ever, and you mustn’t jeopardize that, because you must be punished forever and ever and suffer forever and ever.

Thus endeth the lesson.

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