cartoon: your local christian bookstore

cartoon: your local christian bookstore December 30, 2010

This cartoon is actually based on a true story. A friend of mine went into a local Christian bookstore to find a book that might be helpful for him as a husband. Although they have a good marriage, he wanted to read a book specifically designed for helping men be better husbands. He couldn’t believe the disparity between all the books that were available for wives compared only two or three for husbands.

What does this mean?

  1. Wives are the problem?
  2. Only women care?
  3. Men don’t give a sh*t?
  4. It’s about the money: mostly women buy self-help books?
  5. It’s a submission issue: biblically, there’s more advice for wives than husbands?
  6. The bookstore manager believes all or some of the above?

What’s your theory?

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