Choice: family or vision

Choice: family or vision January 3, 2011

Do you want your church to be a family?

Or do you want your church to be a purpose group?

If you want it to be the first one, then you cannot have a vision or a goal. If you want to be the second one, then you’ll need a vision and a goal.

You can’t be both. Not at the same time.

As soon as you introduce vision and goal to a community, it cannot be a family. The healthy family is a place free of agenda, visions and goals. It is, as I’ve said before, pointless. It doesn’t serve a purpose or fulfill an agenda. Once it does, it is no longer a free family, but a power unit wielded by the visionary.

This is not to denigrate the purpose group or church. However, we need to be clear that even though this purpose group may only experience family-like moments, it will not and cannot be a family-like community. This is also not to say that a family-like community cannot achieve things. But the things they do accomplish will be spontaneous, situational and maybe even uncontrollable.

You have to make a choice.

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