Moving Toward Authenticity

Moving Toward Authenticity April 11, 2011

The new image of Man does not dehumanize us, nor does it stifle our personhood; it forms the basis of a truly complete humanity (Kenneth Cain Kinghorn).

An important step for a church to become more authentic, more real, more accessible, and more human, is for the people themselves to become more authentic, more real, more accessible, and more human.

It has to begin somewhere. I suggest the pastor and the leadership start, thereby giving permission and modeling what it means to be authentic. Of course, this takes enormous courage on the part of the pastor and the leadership. And it takes enormous grace on the part of the congregation. The same is true vice-versa: it takes enormous courage on the part of the congregation for it to become more authentic, and enormous grace (read “patience”) on the part of the pastor and the leadership to watch this happen. Because in the past this kind of activity was extremely risky. But now this is going to be a way of life together.

  1. Therefore, I suggest an agreement has to be made that this is how we are going to be the church from now on. If you are going to revert back to the old way of doing things it needs to be agreed upon or you agree to go your separate ways. If a pastor does it without support, he or she will be fired or forced to leave. If a member tries it alone… ditto.
  2. A deal has to be struck that there will be no religious kickbacks, backfires or recoils when the culture of grace starts exposing the good, the bad and the ugly. Grace, like a lance, exposes the bad stuff that has been there all along.
  3. Go into it knowing that the risk has changed from religious ramifications from the top down, to losing people who can’t handle the non-religious atmosphere that seems to them licentious. In my experience, most people want church, not fellowship.
  4. You also must agree that you are going to talk your way through this, knowing that communication is key. It’s like a marriage.
  5. Be prepared for beautiful things to happen that you simply couldn’t plan for.

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