please promote nakedpastor101 book

please promote nakedpastor101 book April 21, 2011

I’m asking you, my friends, fans and readers, to please promote my newly re-released book on your blogs, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. I would really appreciate it!

Nakedpastor101” is now available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble as well as other sites for as little as $9!! Order yours today. I have re-released it in a brand new and affordable format. Because it is available on Amazon, etc., you can take advantage of their sales, coupons, and free shipping deals. See links below!

Here’s what some have said about my cartoons:

Here’s what Brian McLaren says about nakedpastor’s cartoons:

What another creative communicator did with parables, David Hayward does with cartoons… I’m a big fan! (read more testimonials on the product review of Amazon!)

Thanks for promoting my book. Blessings!

Order my bookNakedpastor101: Cartoons by David Hayward“, from,,, and Barnes and Noble.

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