go in and go out

go in and go out May 17, 2011

We used to be committed just on principle. Take marriage. People used to be committed to the marriage contract. Many men and women remained in unhealthy and even horrible marriages simply because it was expected and because they believed they should. Not so much anymore.

Now in any kind of relationship you have to do your best to maintain it. You can’t just let things slide. You can no longer presume that because people are committed now they will be committed tomorrow. Especially after you do something that jeopardizes the relationship.

I’m not saying it is well and good. What I am saying is that it just is. That’s the way things are now. If you really f&*#ed-up in your marriage, you can’t point to the marriage contract and demand conciliation. Not anymore. Even signatures are losing their clout, especially if you betrayed your end of the contract.

As a pastor or a community you might not like it. But less and less people commit to something just out of principle. We used to. People used to get born, baptized and buried all in one church. Not so much anymore. You cannot presume. Even though people will commit, it is conditional… conditional on their own interests. And many times those interests are completely valid.

Like this blog, people come and people go. I think this is what it means when it says to “go in and go out and find pasture”. There is freedom and liberty and volitional commitment. Everyone should have that right, privilege and choice.

That’s just the way it is.

You can buy prints of my cartoons for $15 (free shipping). (Just email me.)

I published a book of cartoons that addresses issues like these, including the cartoon above called “Hole”. For just $9, order Nakedpastor101: Cartoons by David Hayward“, from amazon.com, amazon.ca, amazon.de.

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