serving time eternal

serving time eternal May 19, 2011

Sometimes it is difficult to have faith in human progress when it comes to justice issues. I have hope and do what I can. But time often proves that the human race can perpetually devise ways to achieve its selfish and destructive ends.

I wrote a post quite a while ago about the difficulty of holding a dialog between liberals, moderates and fundamentalists. You can read it here. I linked to a recent manifesto written by Bishop Shelby Spong in which he expresses his decision to longer drag his feet while waiting for agreement from all sides before proceeding with justice for all people. The time is now.

It took me a while to create this cartoon. I somewhat agree with Spong. To wait for agreement will take forever. In the meantime countless people suffer. Serving time eternal.

What can be done now?

Buy the original cartoon. Or buy a $15 print (free shipping) of this cartoon. (Just email me.)

I published a book of cartoons that addresses issues like these. For just $9, order Nakedpastor101: Cartoons by David Hayward“, from,,

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