bigger question

bigger question June 14, 2011

email me if you want to purchase the original cartoon. Or buy a fine art print of it here.

The other day I drew a cartoon and wrote a short commentary called via de la question in which I shared my journey with the question, “Does God exist?“. One reader asked, “So what answer did you come up with?

The answer I came up with was a bigger question. In exchange for a smaller question… if we can handle it… we are given a bigger question. Double the mystery! Deeper the profundity! More intense the awe!

Sometimes we’d like just a straight yes or no answer. I haven’t had one of those in a long time. But I hope I am the more wise for it.

If you haven’t bought my book of cartoons, you simply must. Nakedpastor101: Cartoons by David Hayward“, from,, Great for laughs and serious discussion!

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