on stage at Millionaire Mind

on stage at Millionaire Mind June 1, 2011

Last year I went to a Millionaire Mind Intensive in Toronto with T. Harv Eker. I wrote about it here if you want to read a bit about it. It was right after I left the ministry. It was an amazing experience that began a kind of transformation in my life. Affirmation galore. I didn’t know how to handle it. I met some amazing people. One of them was the energetic and vibrant young woman who took this video. Another one was the speaker, Adam Markel, the good looking bald guy with me on stage.

At this point in the conference we were to split up into one of four groups each representing a different attitude towards money: spenders, savers, severe budgeters, and monks. There were hundreds of people there. There was about 150 in each of the first three groups. I was one of 5 people who had a “monk’s” mentality about money… that it is unspiritual, beneath us and that it sullies the purity of the message. A sorry minority. The rubber band on the wrist was a little gimmick: every time you had a negative thought you were to snap it and then kiss your wrist to make it feel better.

It was a fun moment full of laughter. I thought I would just post this to lighten up the mood a bit. Enjoy!

I published a book of cartoons just like this one. For just $9, order Nakedpastor101: Cartoons by David Hayward“, from amazon.com, amazon.ca, amazon.de. Great for laughs and serious discussion!

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