to judge is not to love

to judge is not to love September 15, 2011

I was talking with an acquaintance today who is gay. I was telling him about my upcoming weekend in Dallas, speaking at Northaven United Methodist Church in Dallas Texas. He was asking me why I was going there. I said it was because of my blog. He said, “You’re a blogger? What’s your blog?” I said, “Nakedpastor!” He exclaimed, “You’re him?” I laughed because it struck me so funny because we’ve known each other so long and I never brought it up. I’m my own worst promoter!

Ya, I’m “him”! Funny. The two things I get most flack over on this blog is:

  1. my z-theory; and
  2. my position on homosexuality.

The common denominator in these two controversial topics is that they are both universal and inclusive in substance.

My gay friend reminded me of what Mother Teresa said, “If you judge people, you have no time to love them.

My take on the gospel accounts of Jesus is that he was so rejected because of his universality and his inclusivity. It was the provincial exclusivists that terminated him.

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