bad noose

bad noose November 5, 2011

I teach English as a second language to International students from all over the world… Japanese, Saudi, Kazakh, Mongolian, Korean, Chinese, Brazilian, Iranian, etc. I absolutely love working among such diversity. I have two classes right now and they are a delightful mixture of amazing people. I fall in love with them every single time.

Sometimes we have a lot of fun with the language. This term I have set a personal challenge for myself: to get them to laugh in every class at something in English. Which is hard to do because it’s not just about the language, but the culture too.

I might show them this cartoon on Monday.

DOWNLOAD YESTERDAY’S CARTOON FOR FREE: CLICK HERE (when you click “buy”, scroll down and enter code “artist” on bottom left of page).

If you are interested in acquiring my original cartoons or prints, just email me.

Download my cartoon ebook, –> click here! <–

Check out my originals and prints of my art, cartoons and Sophia drawings.

Or get the paperback from Amazon:

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