Two Friars & a Fool Respond to nakedpastor

Two Friars & a Fool Respond to nakedpastor November 1, 2011

Some time ago I was contacted by Two Friars and a Fool to do a written interview that they could respond to by video. I finally fulfilled their wish and responded to their request for me to explain my tagline “graffiti artist on the walls of religion“. The three of them in turn responded by video.

Here’s a short segment from my response to their question:

Of course, light has two effects: it can illumine the bad as well as the good. This is what my cartoons do.

So go to their site now by CLICKING HERE. Meet, watch and hear Aric Clark, Doug Hagler, and Nick Larson put forth their opinions about nakedpastor. (There are some surprises!)

(Download my ebook “nakedpastor 101” for .99¢.) To download the ebook, –> click here! <–

Check out my originals and prints of my art, cartoons and Sophia drawings.

Or get the paperback from Amazon:

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