unity is not based upon belief

unity is not based upon belief November 10, 2011

Our unity is not based upon belief. It cannot be.

Unity is something already achieved. It is a present reality. So it is not something we endeavour to create. It is something we endeavour to protect, nourish and enjoy.

Right now I am teaching a class of international students. We are Saudi, Japanese, Canadian, Mongolian, Kazakh, and Chinese. We are Muslim, Christian, Atheist, Shinto Buddhist, and Other. Yet we enjoy a remarkable sense of unity that is deeper than and transcends our differences. I get a strong sense that we truly love each other and care for each other.

If we were to introduce our different beliefs into it, which inevitably we would have to over time, our distinctives would accentuate themselves. There might be tension and discussion and even argument. But if we were wise and allowed our love for each other to dominate and determine the tone, tenor and terms of our relationship, then the essential reality of our unity would be preserved.

This is not to say that beliefs are not important or that they don’t play a critical role in our personal lives and relationships.

But it is to say that if our intention is to treasure peace and love then we make our beliefs serve that intention.

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