are you being played?

are you being played? December 8, 2011

Most people know when they are being played.

That is, they know when they aren’t being taken purely for who they are, loved as they are, appreciated as they are, delighted in as they are.

In a true loving relationship do you have an agenda? Of course not. If one person in the relationship has an agenda for the relationship the purity of the relationship is already spoiled. Even the most seemingly intimate relations will be superficial and strategic plays to further the individual’s agenda, therefore undermining the so-called intimacy.

Generally, churches that function as liturgical gatherings don’t apply here because a service is provided that you take or leave. But churches that claim to be fellowships, families or communities need to be agenda free. This is the only way they can work as fellowships, families or communities.

As I said, most people can smell a mile off when they are being played, when they hear “relationship” with their ears but feel “cog in a machine” in their heart. Most people can tell almost immediately when they are being used for another purpose. Some are willing to sacrifice themselves to this higher purpose as if to Baal. But my hope is that people will wait until they’ve found what they’re looking for.

I have written a book called Without a Vision My People Prosper that is about this very issue. It’s 170 pages of writing and chock full of related cartoons. It is to be launched soon but is available now on Amazon: CLICK HERE!

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