How To Control Dissent in Your Church

How To Control Dissent in Your Church January 21, 2012
  1. never quote from any other book except the bible;
  2. let it be known that dissenters will be refused positions of leadership;
  3. stop talking to them on a personal level;
  4. make them think that to disagree with you is to hurt your feelings;
  5. at least once a month quote the verse, “Thou shalt not touch God’s anointed!
  6. continually emphasize that love means total and unquestionable agreement;
  7. remind them weekly that you and the leadership hear directly from God;
  8. constantly confront and challenge them so that their dissent becomes laborious;
  9. emphasize submission to authority, service to others, and sacrifice to the church’s cause;
  10. invite dissenters to leave with your blessing.

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