free indeed

free indeed May 9, 2012

We are free indeed.

I believe we all have a path. It is our life to discover it, explore it and walk it with joy. It is yours and yours alone, undefined and uncontrolled by others. Yours.

But truth… that is another matter. As the great philosopher Krishnamurti said, “Truth is a pathless land.” No one owns it. It belongs to no religion, sect or group or power or people.

The person in this drawing has discovered freedom. It is overwhelming and awesome. Truly.

There are those who will always attempt to modify freedom. In seminary, one of my professors used the illustration of a train: it is only really free when it is on the rails doing its job being a train. But I’m not a train. And neither are you!

You are a living breathing human being free to wander in the garden of delights. Enjoy your freedom!

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