be open and receptive

be open and receptive June 20, 2012

sculpture "recept" by nakedpastor david hayward

I have a tendency, when going through a difficult time, to shut down and become hard-hearted.

I remember many many years ago my spiritual director encouraging me to explore this. Over the years I have. It is a self-protective coping mechanism I instinctively use to secure my own safety. I’m not alone in this. I have learned that during difficult times of transition, it is important to keep your heart soft. At least try. It is crucial to try to be receptive to what is being offered as a gift during these times.

What is being presented? What are you being given? What new insights? What new path is being disclosed to you? What new ways of thinking? Loving? Living?

Like this simple sculpture, it symbolizes an open hand. Who knows what might land in it?

(This Brazilian soapstone sculpture is 4″x5″x6″ (10cm x 12cm x 15cm) and sits on a walnut base with brass screws. It is available for $300. I consider reasonable offers. If you are interested, email me.)

Do you need to talk? I’m making myself available for spiritual coaching sessions. email me. My rates are reasonable.

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