few days vacation

few days vacation July 12, 2012

nakedpastor on vacation cartoon

I have never been this big, but I have lost weight. Now I’m a hunk a hunk of burning love 😉 And my lovely Lisa insists we go away for a few days because we really need a break. She’s much wiser than I am, and so she’s also strongly suggesting that I limit my computer use. So I am. That’s her red “X” in the cartoon. You may or may not hear from me until Sunday night. Or maybe Monday morning. I get up earlier than she does, so you might hear from me. Who knows?

I am going through massive change intellectually, theologically, vocationally, etc. I have lots to tell you. Lots! And it is important that I do. I can’t wait, but I have to because I want to say it right.

Think of me! I won’t stop thinking of you.

I love the community that we share. Don’t you?

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