heavenly homosexuals

heavenly homosexuals December 7, 2012

heavenly homosexuals cartoon by nakedpastor david hayward
“Heavenly Homosexuals” (ink on paper, 8″x8″)

(Many original cartoon drawings and prints are available, including this one! Email me if interested. Original drawings are $100 and prints are $25 plus shipping.)

I want to welcome you to a community that’s forming over at the Lasting Supper. Most are people who have left the church for various reasons… some felt intellectually constricted; some felt controlled; some were living a sexuality that wasn’t acceptable to the church; some ran into conflict; some experienced abuse; some are going through radical theological change and no longer subscribed to it; some became agnostics; some became atheists; and some didn’t leave the church and are struggling to find meaningful reasons to stay; and some are Buddhists or Baha’i or something else; and some are lonely; and some are… well, you get the point. Anyway, come over. No pressure. This is just an invite.

Like this cartoon, all are welcome!

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