Exodus International Closes Its Doors Forever

Exodus International Closes Its Doors Forever June 20, 2013

exodus international is dead cartoon by nakedpastor david hayward
Exodus International Is Dead!

Alan Chambers, the head of Exodus International, a ministry devoted to “change therapy” for gays and lesbians, has announced that it is shutting down permanently.

He has also issued an apology for all the pain and hurt many have experienced at the hands of this ministry.

You can read a news article here, as well as Exodus International’s own announcement, along with Chambers’ apology, here.

This ministry has been in operation for 37 years and has wreaked havoc on countless lives. I’m glad this giant ministry, the oldest and largest in this endeavor, is finished.

My hope is that it leads the way for other such ministries to their graves as well.

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