December 18, 2006

Well, it is my joyful Christmas pleasure to announce Brad Shorr of Geneva, Illinois, as this Christmas caption cartoon contest’s winner. Runner-up was Angela’s, “You win it’s Christmas, I win it’s Santamas!” I’ll buy her a coffee. Good job everyone! There were, once again, many, many good ones, but in the end, one had to win. I’m going to suspend the caption contests until after the busy Christmas season, but I’m looking forward to getting plenty of laughs in the... Read more

December 18, 2006

Walter Brueggemann, a theologian who writes prophetically about the need for the prophetic in the world and church today, writes: In the Christian tradition, having been co-opted by the king, we are tempted to legitimate the denial by offering cross-less good news and a future well-being without a present anguish. Read more

December 17, 2006

so our church is having its christmas banquet this evening. potluck. can’t wait. got some people in the congregation providing entertainment… just fun stuff. we want to just hang back and enjoy ourselves. get joy out of just being together. fellowship. people. human interaction. enjoy each other. since my wife is from alabama, i plan on surprising her and the congregation with a little redneck christmas humor. missing teeth and all. i know jesus’ brother bob’s going to be there... Read more

December 17, 2006

don’t forget that today is your last chance to enter the contest to win a free original painting! GO HERE TO ENTER!. Read more

December 17, 2006

i think it’s our duty to be truthful in the church. painfully so. in a recent time article, it was revealed that the whitehouse’s public show of support for faith-based groups was a cover for it’s ridicule of them. that’s not the biggest deal and comes as no surprise to me. but the tactical approach to dealing with them struck me. instead of actually giving money to the faith-based groups, the whitehouse started boasting about the amount of money available... Read more

December 16, 2006

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December 16, 2006

Krishnamurti: You go only so far in your self-criticism. The very entity that criticises must be criticised, must be examined! Read more

December 15, 2006

Something I’ve learned about myself, and human nature in general, is that the better angels of our nature have corresponding demons. We have a dark side. I don’t think our virtues eliminate our faults. Our flesh, although put to death, still struggles for prominence. Our task is to notice this but not submit to it. We allow the good fruit of our lives to grow in the crappy culture of our darker selves. For instance, some people thank me for... Read more

December 15, 2006

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December 15, 2006

You guys are simply awesome! Sense of humor abounds! Here’s my daily reminder to enter the contest to win my original painting. To see the painting and the cartoon, and to enter your caption in the comments, GO HERE! Read more

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