September 22, 2006

How To Waste Your Money On Ebay! How To Survive the Marine Corps When You Are a Wimp! How To Shrink Your Church in 30 Days or Less! How To Make a Short Film For Tropfest! How To Visit a Sick Friend! These are my top 5 favorite “how-to” lists out 343! that were entered in Darren Rowse’s how-to contest over at Problogger! Check them out, and have fun. Read more

September 21, 2006

Hey everybody! Just a little note that the argument between my very good friend Jeff and I under the post Is Jesus Really Laughing?, well… we’re taking it outside, as you can see here. May the best cat win! 8) But whoever wins the fight… just remember I was right. Thus spoke churchpundit! Read more

September 21, 2006

A weary parent, who runs a blog called Weary Parent, found my “how to” list on How To Live With Teenagers, and posted a link to it on her site. I checked out her site and found it quite fascinating and informative. She has posted books related to parenting and kids, most of which Lisa and I have read and found helpful. Colorful site too. If you are a parent, you might like to check it out: Read more

September 20, 2006

Reverend Spokes was right! Lip-enhancement did draw more attention to his mouth. Read more

September 20, 2006

Here’s something I’ve been delinquent with, so it’s about time I got to it. Lisa and I had to travel down to Louisiana this spring to close up her granny’s home. She had died a few years ago but it had taken things this long to develop to the point where we could finally take care of things. On my way down there I bought the marvelous book, Nickel And Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America, written by Barbara... Read more

September 19, 2006

1. pay them rent (you live in their house & your money’s theirs) 2. let them tuck you in at night (you’re old) 3. ask when you can use the car (they have a life) 4. study cross-cultural communications (they’re aliens) 5. learn how to bend laws (there are no rules) 6. buy noise-canceling headphones (what’s a decibel?) 7. become skilled in the art of rebuttal (they’re lawyers-in-training) 8. practice speaking in a vacuum (no one’s listening) 9. take yoga... Read more

September 18, 2006

I’ve been loaned a book by a good friend of mine called The Laughing Jesus, written by both Timothy Freke, a philosopher and international public speaker “exploring gnosis”; and Peter Gandy, an “internationally respected authority on the ancient Pagan Mysteries and early Christianity” (back jacket flap). Although I agree with my critics that I should wait until I’ve read the book in total before critiquing it, I must agree with others that it is totally allowable to critique it along... Read more

September 17, 2006

Hannah Grant, one of the young people from our church (Rothesay Vineyard) is back to visit us for a little while. She spoke at our church this morning and did an incredible job. She’s been working with Youth With A Mission for years now, and has risen to the level of instructor. She as been to Nepal on missions trips, as well as China and southeast Asia. She and her fiance Nick, after they are married in March, will begin... Read more

September 16, 2006

This painting of mine was used by Roger Faught, a graphic artist, to make up a poster of a band called ShineBriter. Thanks for the compliment guys! Read more

September 16, 2006

So yesterday I finally completed and sent in my firearms license, all in order to legally “possess and/or acquire firearms or purchase ammunition”. Which is important in Canada if you want to hunt, which I do. I also fish, but you don’t need firearms for that (at least where I come from). What has this to do with thinking about the church, you might ask? Well, when I was filling in the application, it asked if I had been recently... Read more

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