February 28, 2013

Division and separation is an illusion we subscribe to just like any other fiction. But that doesn’t make it real. We each have what it takes to make manifest the unity that is inherently already there. You are sitting on your own bridge kit. Start building! Read more

February 28, 2013

Today is the pope’s official last day. He retires. The papal conclave will begin the long process of voting on the next pope. All men. An enclaved conclave. I was talking with a seminary student today. She’s from a church that didn’t support her decision to enter the ministry. Because she’s female. A very small percentage of women from her denomination seek ordination, and their chances of finding a church that will receive their ministry are small. I heard a... Read more

February 27, 2013

So Pat Robertson advised one of his viewers who wondered if there were evil spirits in her thrift store clothing that… well… better safe than sorry… cast those demons out! A friend on another site of mine said that we couldn’t blame her for anything… that it was her Goodwill sweater talking! As they say on the red carpet: “Who are you wearing?” I hope it’s not Beelzebub! Read more

February 27, 2013

Just imagine hanging this print in your office! Haha! That would start some conversation! No? Here’s a fascinating verse for you: “to the pure you show yourself pure, but to the crooked you show yourself deceitful” (Psalm 18:26). Oh the wealth that could be drawn from that sentence alone! The wise writer knew a fundamental truth: there is a direct correlation between your condition and your conception of your god. Have you thought about the possibility that your ideas about... Read more

February 26, 2013

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February 26, 2013

Ya, I thought it was cute. And radical! As science and human studies advance there is more and more data gathering concerning sexuality. Profoundly interesting and awe-inspiring. We should all keep up on this issue because it involves human health, rights and happiness. The ultra ultrasound says this baby could be gay, and everybody is happy about it. Good news! Especially for baby. You can acquire a print of this cartoon! Read more

February 25, 2013

Um… what more can be said? Buy a print! Read more

February 25, 2013

Love changes people, but it doesn’t intend to. If you get a sniff of an agenda in what’s being called love, run in the other direction please. Because that’s not love. You are beautiful, amazing and fascinating as you are. You are loved as you are. Period! I’ve experienced it and seen it: when you realize you are overwhelmingly loved as you are, just as you are, with no ulterior motive to change you, the transformation is an amazing and... Read more

February 24, 2013

We all know one of the severest costs of choosing to walk your own path towards your own independence is experiencing loneliness. To find your own land and stake your own claim requires you to become a pioneer. And pioneers know loneliness. Pioneers simply understand that in order to enjoy their own lives to the full they are going to have to leave the herd. Read any of the accounts of pioneers, such as the fascinating Canadian explorer, David Thompson,... Read more

February 23, 2013

I love the few childhood stories of Jesus in the canonical scriptures. The ones from the gnostic gospels are fascinating as well. He was just a kid. Finding his way. Trying to grow up. Like us. Read more

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