CUUPS Convo is coming!

CUUPS Convo is coming! March 24, 2016

Photo by Maggie Beaumont.
Photo by Maggie Beaumont

I’m excited … just back from Sacred Space, realizing that I can’t go to Pagan Spirit Gathering or Pantheacon or the UUA’s General Assembly this year … and don’t have the energy for another big conference … and here comes CUUPS Convo, back after hiatus, just the right size.

I know it’s barely Spring, but I’m already planning the last weekend in August. I’m going to spend it in Salem, Massachusetts, with CUUPS members from all over New England and maybe the wider CUUPSworld …!

Want to join me?

For the first time in several years, CUUPS Continental is putting on an East-coast gathering for UU-Pagans and friends. Workshops and speakers, community ritual, and more — plus time enough to explore the town, the Witch Museum, and whatever else you can imagine finding in the Witch City.

Featured presenters include

  • Rev. Shirley Ranck, creator of the UU Curriculum Cakes for the Queen of Heaven
  • Byron Ballard, author of Asfidity & Mad-Stones and Staubs and Ditchwater
  • John Beckett, blogger at Under the Ancient Oaks
  • Gypsy Ravish, whose albums include Enchantress and Spirit Nation

Registration prices are reasonable, lodging and camping are available nearby. I’m psyched. Who’s ready to come along?

Register at – just click the Convo button. Bring a friend, a CUUPS chapter, a coven … and let’s get together.

The Witch looks over my shoulder. She wonders why I haven’t mentioned the joys of spending time face to face with people I so often only see in Cyberspace.

She wonders why I haven’t mentioned that I’ve always wanted to visit Salem, but never had anyone to go there with.

She asks, directly, when I’m going to recognize that the only time is Now – and if I want to see my CUUPSfriends, I need to get a move on.

May we meet in Salem.

Blessed Be.

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