August 31, 2022

A recent Sunday morning, the Rev. Scott Sammler-Michael, senior co-minister of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair, NJ had us thinking. He asked, “What would you say God is? What would you say God is not?” in his similarly titled sermon. There were many different responses to these questions and all like-minded and agreeable to a point. However, there were no Pagan responses that I heard in person or have yet seen online. I was running the live stream, other... Read more

July 30, 2022

The only constant is change. This is true with everything that we do in life. The Rev. Anya Sammler-Michael, senior co-minister at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair, NJ reminded me of that. She wrote in our summer gazette about the way things in the congregation are changing, partly due to the pandemic. One example is our virtual-only participants — some from outside of New Jersey. However, other adaptations and growth include our soon to be new music intern and... Read more

June 29, 2022

What a month… June had its ups and it had its downs for all of us. Following the Soul Matter’s monthly themes this month the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair, New Jersey focused on “celebrating blessings.” Since the Supreme Court’s terrible decision to overturn Roe V. Wade, many people, especially women, are not feeling so blessed. In addition, there is talk on outlawing contraceptives and then same sex marriages and other LGTBQIA+ rights. Florida already has the “Don’t Say Gay”... Read more

June 15, 2022

When the world gets scary, the comfort of home becomes even more important. We need places where we can let our guard down – where the hypervigilance so many of us adopted during the pandemic can ease a little bit. For a lot of us, relaxing has become difficult. Devices that keep us connected to the 24 hour news cycle constantly ping with new stimuli. The social media worlds that bring us so much joy also bring stress and sadness... Read more

May 29, 2022

This month the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair, New Jersey, where I attend, is focusing on the theme of beauty. Beauty is everywhere, especially in nature. The Rev. Scott Sammler-Michael said in his sermon that entire industries criticize how we look. He said they tell lies that we need certain make-up, surgery, or some new diet to begin to approach “beauty.” This made me think about our rituals and how we are always looking for the perfect items to make... Read more

April 22, 2022

Well it is Earth Day again, so let’s start… Hmmm I have always found that so odd. We are going to begin now, but there are 365 days in a year and it’s now 2022… start already! This will be the 52nd Earth Day celebration, which brings awareness to all about environmental concerns. These issues have been around far longer than we would care to recognize. Think how long we knew that single-use plastic is not good for the environment.... Read more

March 23, 2022

Spring conventionally arrived on Sunday, March 20. Yes, as Pagans, we held rituals and welcomed Ostara, or if you are Druid as I am – Alban Eilir. This is only the beginning though. Seeds, just like the spells we create, take more than uttering words. There is work involved, lots of work. Spring is a time for renewal, a rebirth in many ways. Life begins again all around us. The leaf buds begin sprouting, pollen is active, and we allergy... Read more

February 21, 2022

Emerge, deepen and transform is 2022’s focus for the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair, New Jersey, where I attend. Although, they probably are thinking along the effects of the pandemic, including how congregational life is transforming in general. This is something my elders always encourage in their students. Two friends at different times the other day said, “Always keep learning.” I almost laughed hearing that from other people. My elders, the Rev. Foxxy Pullen and her late husband, Herm, always... Read more

January 24, 2022

This month the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair, New Jersey’s focus is on the meaning of intention. This is part of the January Soul Matters’ theme of “Living with Intention.” Intention is essentially your goal, what you want to happen. When Pagans prepare spells, we put our intent into them. I try to explain this to the mundane people by comparing spell work to ‘enhanced’ prayer. When people pray, they ask for the deity’s assistance but they have an intention... Read more

January 13, 2022

Music became both an entrance point and a thread to follow when it comes to my spirituality ... My Pagan station includes more upbeat and active music that reminds me of the joy and deep power of my spirituality. Read more

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