September 23, 2015

Whatever you decide to do in conjunction with the supermoon eclipse this weekend, begin planning and preparing now. The only thing we as pagans should fear about this rare astrological event is the regret of not having appreciated it fully. Read more

September 21, 2015

Meghann Robern, an intern minister at First UU in Nashville writes, "As Pagan-oriented Unitarian Universalists, we seek not only to restore humanity’s relationships with the beloved Earth and the ecosystems in which we live, but also our relationships with each other." Read more

September 19, 2015

We urge all siblings in the human family to return to the sacred sources that feed our deepest selves and remind us that we are beloved children of the divine, woven into one tapestry. Our world can be a better one. Read more

September 18, 2015

Here's the script Mabon (Fall Equinox) ritual from a UU minister (and new Nature's Path author) in upstate New York. Read more

September 17, 2015

In this moment of reflection attempt to accept that there are people who are trapped in the reality that our culture behaves in ways that prove daily that All Lives Do Not Matter. Read more

September 16, 2015

When someone feels like they have to admit their theology or spiritual practice to their minister, as though it were a sin from which to be absolved, there is a problem. There is a problem of integrity, of shared authenticity, and certainly of welcome and hospitality. Read more

September 12, 2015

Peter Dybing discusses why he has moved towards CUUPS as a central part of his Pagan identity. Read more

September 10, 2015

The knowledge and the lessons of those who have gone before can serve us well, if we are clear on what we intend. Read more

September 7, 2015

To have the whales off the shores of California in a protected marine sanctuary feels like we are in fact engaged in a sacred venture. Our work is not only sacred to us but is important to the survival of the planet. Read more

September 6, 2015

Guest columnist Phaedra Bonewits reminds elders of their obligation to teach, because some things can't be taught by a book - no matter how well written. Read more

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