July 22, 2024

What did Jesus really teach? It’s difficult to know except through the twelve apostles, because the first five books of the New Testament are about Jesus’ mission to the Jews, not to non-Jews. Similarities and significant differences exist. Forgiveness and love are the uniting themes. One way of exploring this is fiction based on fact. Storytelling is something I do, with over 20 fiction and nonfiction books available (see the end notes). Based on fact: This is what stories are... Read more

July 21, 2024

It’s difficult walking into a church for the first time for anyone, and new generations are especially difficult to not scare away. However, I believe there exist methods to conquer this hindrance. What are the problems? The past 20+ years of church history have been tumultuous with unjust beliefs and hate-filled bullhorn voices. This is a tough image to change. Churches tend to be a sea of gray hair. People are friendly only to those they know, not welcoming to... Read more

July 15, 2024

I’m a peacemaker at heart. But peace doesn’t mean the end of conflict. Conflict is normal. We’re human. We have different ideas and wants. Reconciling people with other people is not a straightforward thing. In the course I’m developing on creating change, there are some unwelcome realities. Getting to peace means knowing how to resolve conflict. It doesn’t mean shooting people. The US is a nation in conflict within. Some of it stems from genuine needs. Much of it is... Read more

July 13, 2024

A year ago, nature swept an EF3 tornado through the Sullivan, Indiana countryside, and town, killing five people and destroying many homes. Restoration is still in progress. Where do we find the face of God in troubled times? Elijah faced dire circumstances, tired and exhausted “So He [God] said, “Go forth and stand on the mountain before the Lord.” And behold, the Lord was passing by! And a great and strong wind was rending the mountains and breaking in pieces... Read more

July 9, 2024

At what age do you quit serving? I make it a point to only engage in tasks that require my specific skills and abilities, and leave the rest to others. Others need opportunities. This way I can focus on what I do well. For example, I think I’m good at sitting on a couch and watching TV–I have a lot of practice. “If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing... Read more

July 2, 2024

I have mixed feelings about recent Supreme Court decisions. The decision on presidential immunity created a constitutional crisis. I believe the Supreme Court ignored the Constitution, created law, and it could lead to disaster. This isn’t sensationalism, it’s a serious consideration. Shays’ Rebellion is relevant to today’s US political divisions. Shays’ Rebellion (1786-87) was an armed insurrection by rural farmers in western and central Massachusetts, sparked by the state government’s unpopular response to a debt crisis. The insurrection reached its... Read more

June 25, 2024

Just kidding. I can’t even remember what I did last summer. What Did You Do Over Summer Vacation? It’s a common question in US schools: “What did you do during summer vacation?” Sixty days of fun! There I was at one of daughter’s homes, enjoying our stay, seven hundred miles away, when I got the call: “Our home air conditioning is not working.” I guess I could have let them roast, or pay a lot of money for a hotel.... Read more

June 10, 2024

Practical Spirituality Series People are growing very fearful of the power of AI to act as humans and to do harm. Much of this comes from misconceptions. While the danger is real, it is far off, and up to us. I worked in AI, but I don’t know everything about this rapidly advancing field I use daily. Each day I receive images through Pixabay from this very prolific and excellent artist, Gerd Altmann (Geralt). They make me smile. They impress... Read more

June 10, 2024

Practical Spirituality series Serving the 18 to 35 age group will challenge you to reexamine your traditions of interpretation. LGBTQ interpretation was among the first to fall. If it looks like discrimination, injustice, and exclusivism, Gen. Z will reject it and not come to your church. You may have to rethink not just interpretation, but church itself. The future of the church depends on this group, which recognizes its spiritual needs but is not very religious. My series to address... Read more

June 3, 2024

Practical Spirituality series One thing I learned doing pastoral visitation is how lonely many people are. Too many lose their spouse or friends, or get injured, and become hermits. Eating is a social function, so they don’t eat. Loneliness is especially rampant among Generation Z. Over fifty-three percent report loneliness. You can have fame, wealth, social media friends and likes, text a hundred texts a day, even have a family, and still be very lonely. Gen. Z is very digitally... Read more

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