Catalyst Thoughts: Day 2

Catalyst Thoughts: Day 2 October 10, 2015

What an amazing last day at Catalyst! Here were some of the highlights:


A beautiful presentation by photographer Jeremy Cowart about the redemptive work of God in his life.

“Your perspective will determine other people’s destinies.” Christine Caine   An absolutely powerful message on perspective from the book of Numbers by Christine.

“The core of innovation is to make meaning.” Guy Kawasaki   Guy is a marketplace guru and had some great insights from the business world that can benefit the church.

“Once you’ve tasted significance, success will never satisfy.” John Maxwell  Famed leadership guru (and founder of Catalyst) shared with us for a few minutes on leadership.

“Jesus never allowed his perfect theology to get in the way of his ministry.” Andy Stanley  Andy had a great talk on how to interact with society today in a way that is ‘full of grace and truth.’

Until next year!

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