Five for Friday (6.6.14)

Five for Friday (6.6.14) June 6, 2014

five red buttonThe secret of your success is determined by your daily agenda.” John C. Maxwell

Take some time out today to continue learning and growing. Here are five articles to stimulate your thinking. Enjoy!

1. 10 Characteristics Shared By Great Leaders – great insight into some of the great leaders of today.

2. On Parenting Teens – Jen Hatmaker shares another incredible blog post.

3. Pornography, Cerebral Plasticity, and Transformation – insightful article about the neurological effects of pornography on the brain, and why it’s so addicting to men.

4. Five Reasons Why Most Southern Baptist Churches Baptize Almost No Millenials – Would love your thoughts on this. Definitely worthy of a blog at some point.

5. Stripper Ministry is Answer to Woman’s Prayers – Inspiring article from USA Today. If only there were more Christians and churches like this!

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