January 11, 2013

Here’s a heartwarming story for you, another reminder that God is always at work in someone’s life. Thanks Bill for sharing your story with us!       Read more

January 10, 2013

I recently had the privilege of speaking to our teenagers at Mt Vernon Church. In that talk I shared “7 Things I Wish I Could Tell Every High Schooler.” Here are the seven things: 1. Once you graduate from high school, you’ll be amazed at how little you care about those high school friends you spent so much time trying to impress. I guarantee you, you’ll look back at all those hours wasted trying to impress the ‘cool kids’ as... Read more

January 9, 2013

It’s always a bit disconcerting at first. Especially if they don’t give off the I-just-out-of-prison look (i.e. orange jumpsuit). A few weeks ago, after I met a nice looking young family, I found out that one of the parents has been out of prison less than six months. Many people’s reaction might be a mixture of fascination (what did they do?), repulsiveness (hide the kids!), and condemnation (how dare they show up in God’s house!). Especially if your church isn’t... Read more

January 8, 2013

The Circle Maker is a call to action. A call to prayer, specifically. After reading this book, my first response was spiritual: I knew I needed to pray more. Through the mediums of spiritual truth, historical examples, and personal experiences, Mark Batterson is relentless in his pursuit to inspire you to pray. And not just pray; pray big. Pray God-sized prayers. I’ve read books before on prayer, about the need, the necessity, or even step-by-step methods on prayer. Batterson’s aim... Read more

January 7, 2013

In the book of Nehemiah, we see an incredible story of a man determined to accomplish his God-given task, no matter what the obstacles. With the audacious goal of rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem (a wall that had been a rubble for the past 100 years), Nehemiah faced opposition on every side from his enemies. In Nehemiah 6, we catch a glimpse of his focus and determination that led him to accomplish in fifty-two days what had not been accomplished... Read more

January 4, 2013

Today’s post is written by Dr. David Daffern (my father). Great word to keep us from getting too caught up in New Year’s hype. You can find his blog here. Enjoy!   New Year’s Day is my least favorite day of the year. Don’t get me wrong. I love having a paid day off. I love the football (Go BLUE!). The problem is that everything else about the holiday is a fraud. Too many people make a list of resolutions,... Read more

January 4, 2013

Today’s post is written by Dr. David Daffern (my father). Great word to keep us from getting too caught up in New Year’s hype. You can find his blog here. Enjoy!   New Year’s Day is my least favorite day of the year. Don’t get me wrong. I love having a paid day off. I love the football (Go BLUE!). The problem is that everything else about the holiday is a fraud. Too many people make a list of resolutions,... Read more

January 3, 2013

I’m a goal-setter. Have been for years. Some people are motivated by the process, I’m motivated by the end result. That, combined with my eternal optimism, means that I tend to set high goals for myself. While I don’t always reach them, I’ve found that I accomplish more than if I never set goals.   So, here are my personal growth goals for 2013. Mental Growth 1. Read 26 books and write a review on it (on my blog) with... Read more

January 2, 2013

Can God change your life in 2013? Absolutely. Watch this video of how God worked in the life of David Duett and use it as motivation to ask God for big things in your life. Read more

January 1, 2013

It’s the hope. I love New Year’s because of the natural hope that surrounds it. It’s the closest we get to having a slate wiped clean. Many folks feel like their life gets out of control, one bad decision piling on another like a snowball until you’re hurtling down a cliff, unable to grab anything to stop yourself. New Year’s is that handhold. It’s an opportunity to stop the slide, reorient yourself, and set out in a new direction. Over... Read more

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