Zodiac Readings for the November Full Moon

Zodiac Readings for the November Full Moon November 21, 2018

Today is the first day of the full moon for the month of November, also known as the White Moon or Mourning Moon. The full moon is occurring in the sign of Gemini and brings an energy of healing.

Scroll down to the image with your sign to receive your message from the spirits. As always, if the readings resonate with you please share so that others can receive their messages.

And you can always schedule a reading with me directly if you need any extra clarity and guidance.

Blessings ���

Stop running from the things that you need to face. This full moon heralds a breakthrough for you, but you need to understand that you are not alone, you are never alone, and that sometimes strength means seeking help from others. The little voice that’s been nagging you may become unbearable during this time, so the spirits are advising you to listen and do the work that needs to be done for you to truly heal. As scary as it may seem, there is joy in this for you. The only way out is through.

Pay special attention to communications and motives at this time. This full moon may also be a time of confusion for you. The spirits are asking you to look at a situation that has been bothering you from another angle. You’re missing the solution because of a rigid point of view. If you need help in meeting your goals, ask for it. The people who love and support you can’t read your mind. Make sure you’re really listening to others, and that you’re paying attention to the details. Get grounded, and get back to why you do what you do.

This full moon is your time to shine, literally. Despite mercury being in retrograde your communications are bringing you what you need. Be fearless in your self-expression especially when it comes to love. If you’ve been a little closed off the spirits say this full moon is going to crack you open. You don’t have to do much except go with the flow of things. Enjoy this time of growth and healing. You’ve worked hard for it.

Changes are coming, so you must let go. Now is not the time to resist endings. Release fear and embrace your sense of adventure. Worlds within yourself are opening for you to explore. The spirits want you to know that this full moon heralds a time of initiation. It is a threshold time for you in which you can unlock the mysteries within. Don’t be afraid of uncertainty. That’s the place where all the best things come from.

The spirits want you to be aware of things that are not what they seem during this time. You know within when a situation doesn’t resonate as true. The potential for you to be blinded by desires can land you in a heap of trouble during this full moon. Your shadow aspects must be confronted. You will not be able to get by with saying you don’t know why you do the things you do. Deceptions will fall away, one way or another. Choose the path that is most loving for all involved. Recognize what love actually is. Trust that you will receive what is meant for you in the right timing and don’t give into temptation. The spirits guarantee you that the apple that looks so shiny is rotten to the core.

The spirits are bringing you understanding of the consequences of your actions at this time. This full moon will shed a light on the maliciousness within (in how you treat yourself and others) and provide you with an opportunity to make changes that will bring you peace. There is great energy present for you, and the spirits want to see what you have learned from your recent ordeals. You have the power to do things differently. This is how cycles are broken. Accept responsibility, take control, and measure yourself and others with compassion.

Where is your center? This full moon may bring some swift changes for you, but you need to keep your feet on the ground to make the most of them. Any situations that have broken down or are breaking down are best served by you not trying to put things back the way they were. Instead, be present and pay attention because the spirits are showing you a different path. Take it.

What you’re going through during this full moon requires trust and wisdom, not manipulation. At this time you are likely to be faced with a choice in how to respond to the people in your life, and this choice will either bring positive changes or keep you in an unhealthy cycle. The spirits are trying to teach you about what it means to have faith and to apply the wisdom from past experiences to what you experience today, without the deception that it’s the same thing happening over and over again and the fear that the people in your life are all just one person with different faces. You can ask for help from the spirits. They will help you make the changes that serve to bring you healing and freedom.

The spirits want you to communicate what you need, honestly, to the people in your life. You’ve been taking on too much responsibility and you need a break. It’s going to happen one way or another, so it’s best to just take the time to do things that are just for you than to reach a melting point from putting others first all the time out of a sense of guilt. Your life is yours to live. Live for yourself, and let the energy and love that comes from your own satisfaction bless the people in your life. Loosen your reigns of responsibility. They are choking your spontaneity. The people in your life who love you will understand that you need a bit more “me time” – guilt free.

The spirits are asking you to be patient during this full moon. Take a deeper look at the many circumstances in your life. Take a deeper look at what isn’t working, at what you want to change, at what you would like to bring into being. Be objective. Give yourself space from judgments. Honor the endings and the beginnings. This is a time when introspection will get you further than action. This is a time when great change is possible, but don’t be quick to make decisions. Give yourself the gift of time.

The spirits want you to be mindful about how you’re using your energy during this full moon. You are at risk for a downward spiral into self-pity and possibly even depression with the rate you are going. Some of the people in your life may be an energy drain for you right now as well, so if you need to press pause with some people, do it. However, whatever else is going on, know that you don’t have to do it all alone. Ask for help. You have so many people in your life who would love to be there for you if you will just let them. It’s a gift to yourself and to your loved ones to ask for help and to allow them to give it to you. The spirits want you to be on guard against giving your mind over to negative self-talk. Remember that you are enough and that you are loved, and be compassionate toward yourself.

Not everything is what it seems. This full moon, the spirits are encouraging you to go with the flow and to learn to find the good in the bad and the bad in the good. Consolidate your energy and stop allowing it to flow all over the place willy nilly. Share your ideas, let your limiting beliefs be obliterated. If you think there is something amiss with anyone in your life, communicate about it. Don’t let your feelings or assumptions create a narrative of what is happening. Talk to the people you have concerns about and/or with. Trust your intuition, and know that the storms you’re experiencing will pass.

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