Channeled Messages for the Full Pink Moon- April 2019

Channeled Messages for the Full Pink Moon- April 2019 April 16, 2019

April’s Full Moon in Libra, affectionately known as the Pink Moon, occurs this Friday the 19th with the first day of the full moon falling on the 18th and the last day falling on the 20th. This month’s full moon carries with it a fertile energy, making it a powerful boost for growth, new beginnings and spiritual discovery if harnessed properly.

The fact that the moon will be in the sign of Libra amidst Jupiter Retrograde in Sagittarius may ring in some problems for those whose lives are out of balance especially in relationship and business situations (depending on your natal chart). If this is you, you may feel an extra squeeze to turn inward and deal with any excess or lack during this time, to course correct, and find your true north within so that you can relate in a healthier and more fulfilling way with those around you. For many of us, this retrograde coupled with the energy of April is a time of spiritual expansion. Libra will add a balancing factor to keep us from excessive naval-gazing at the expense of our relationships. This is a powerful time for unions of all sorts.

Anyway, onto the full moon readings by zodiac sign. These are messages that I’ve channeled for each sign. You can read just for your sun sign, or you can include your moon and rising sign as well for a fuller picture. If you don’t know these other signs, all you need is to know your birthdate, birth place and time of birth and you can get your free natal chart at and find out.


Full Moon Message from the Spirits: Come out of your gloomy little mind-hut and enjoy your life and your blessings. Stop focusing on what you don’t have and enjoy what you do have. Put down the unnecessary struggles, the unnecessary pressure, and make fun a priority. Celebrate your achievements and relationships. Celebrate your life. It’s beautiful and full of blessings, but the person who is always after the next thing is the person who is always in want. Take pleasure in all the bounty you do have, with gratitude and grace. Let it be enough.


Full Moon Message from the Spirits: It’s time to speak protection over yourself and all that you love, all that you create. This can be an elaborate spell or as simple as saying no to unkind, abusive, or thoughtless behavior. This could be saying yes to yourself and no to others, even if there’s nothing wrong with what they are asking from you other than that you really don’t have it to give. Recognize which relationships make you feel like crap or overstep bounds, try conflict resolution, and if all else fails, say goodbye. Your vulnerability should never be met with scorn. This is a time where great emotional and spiritual healing may take place for you. You must take extra care of yourself at this time. Don’t forget to protect your internal resources as well such as your time, emotions, and creativity.


Full Moon Message from the Spirits: With all that you have going on, you’re faced with choices in how you handle your experiences. You can either go against the current and create more difficulties for yourself with the perspective you choose, or you can allow your inner spirit to lead you to a place of calm and peace. One way to get to this place of peace is through prioritizing the sacred. Create sacred space for yourself, prioritize your life by what is most important to your wellbeing. Incorporate self-care into your day, one small act at a time. Connect with your Spirit Allies and draw strength from them. All of these options will assist you no matter the turmoil you face.


Full Moon Message from the Spirits: Letting go with faith that all will be well is your challenge during this full moon. New growth in your life is trying to spring forth but as long as what’s dead and gone is taking up space, there are obstacles in your way. This is a time where old patterns may come back around for you to see if you can truly let go. You have the spiritual support to subdue these old ways of relating to yourself, the spirits, and to others. You may not know what is to come, and that may feel scary, but you came into the world this way and you are not alone.


Full Moon Message from the Spirits: You’re being challenged to look outside of yourself and give attention to your relationships and your community. Think about ways in which you can contribute more to the world around you. It means a lot to others when you do your part, and everyone has a part to play. Reinvigorate the aspects of your life that seem dull by taking on a new perspective. You may not particularly enjoy some of the work that have you do, but it helps other people, so how can you make it more fun for yourself? Use that fiery Leo energy to create some pizzazz.


Full Moon Message from the Spirits: Obstacles that were previously in your path are out of the way and you are free to move forward, for the most part. Your determination to move forward despite adversity is what has and what will bring about important change for you. This is a potent time for spiritual journeying and taking the next steps in your process of growth, with faith that you are on the right track. Prepare yourself for what’s to come by turning inward and listening for the next right step to take.


Full Moon Message from the Spirits: The energy of this moon becomes you and provides you with an opportunity to really see and know how much you are loved just for you. Relationships of all kinds are going to play a prevalent role, and while there may be a bit of discord here and there, the most important thing you will learn is what truly needs to be preserved within these relationships. You are seen and heard and understood. Relationships may not be perfect, but they’re perfect for you right now and they are teaching you about yourself. This is not the time to walk away. Be open to the lessons.


Full Moon Message from the Spirits: This is a time of potent creativity for you, where lessons in generosity are likely to play a role. If you’re facing a difficult problem that you can’t seem to figure out, take a step away from it and do something good for someone else. You’re meant to learn the true meaning of abundance at this time, and to understand what is created when you let the energy of abundance flow. You may face a feeling of wistfulness. Don’t hide from it. It’s an invitation that carries blessings.


Full Moon Message from the Spirits: All forms of connections will play a pivotal role in your life at this time, with an emphasis on creating stability through clarity and focus. You’re cautioned to keep your emotions in check as they may be especially volatile, and this is not the time to burn bridges. There is a pattern of relating that needs to be discerned and healed. Focus on uncovering this pattern and your life will become more harmonious.


Patience is your lesson during this full moon, along with taking the time to discern the right decisions and stick with them. There are never guaranteed outcomes for the choices we make, and yet it’s important to become confident in our ability to make these choices nonetheless. You may feel that you can’t see the forest through the trees at this time. That’s ok, you don’t have to (and shouldn’t) rush into anything. It takes time to build a legacy in all aspects of life. Just because things don’t happen immediately doesn’t mean you’ve made the wrong decision. Trust in yourself.


Full Moon Message from the Spirits: Focus on being true to yourself in mind, body, and spirit, and from there see how you can use your gifts to benefit those around you. The need to take responsibility not just for yourself but for anyone else in your care is especially strong at this time, and it is not the time to shy away from it. When you allow yourself to be fully true to who you are, you align yourself with your innate magic, and great things can come from this. Think about how all you are and what you can do can benefit those around you. You’re not meant to hide your gifts, talents, and abilities. You’re meant to shine.


Full Moon Message from the Spirits: Seek to receive what you need and give what you have to offer through open and honest communication. Others are trying to tell you important things about what they need. Much of what you need is also right in front of you, you just have to open your eyes and see it. Your intuitive and psychic abilities are likely to be stronger at this time and you may find you’re receiving more messages and noticing more synchronicities. Don’t ignore these signs. The spirits are communicating with you and listening will be in your best interest. Don’t forget to nourish your spirit allies with offerings as well, even if it’s just the offering of love and gratitude for their guidance.

Featured image via pixabay.

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