Channeled Messages for the New Moon in Gemini- June 2019

Channeled Messages for the New Moon in Gemini- June 2019 May 31, 2019

The new moon in Gemini occurs on June 3rd, and may bring out aspects in us that have otherwise been hidden. Communications will be especially potent during this time, which can bring out good and bad experiences within relationships and within ourselves.

Some great stones to work with during this new moon include aquamarine, citrine, and moonstone.


The stuck is becoming unstuck, so ride the wave and don’t try to control outcomes. Let life lead a little bit and be open. Draw upon your inner strength to help you through the changes you’re facing, and ensure that you pause to breathe, connect with and honor your feelings. Potentials are beginning to manifest. You won’t be the same when all is said and done, and it will be for the better. Trust in yourself and in the guidance of your spirits. You’ve got this.


Slow down a bit and take stock of what’s going on in your life. This isn’t the time to move forward at full speed. Some things are reaching a natural ending, and it’s important that you take time to honor these things as they go. Don’t overdo it, and put your needs first. When you need rest, it’s not acceptable to give a million reasons why you can’t and then deny yourself what you need. Those reasons can wait. You have to take care of you, now. Don’t concern yourself with other people’s’ expectations. Be cautious, take your time, and care for your health.


Turn your attention to the sacred and delve into wisdom and mystery. Develop patience and give more credence to your second sight. This is a time when things will become clear if you quiet your mind and heed the guidance that comes to you. A balanced approach is necessary in whatever you determine to take on. Making space for the sacred in every moment will greatly boost your efforts. Remember that good things take time, and trust the process.


Slow it down, and relax. Everything happens in its right timing. You can’t force things to move faster than than they should. Accept your life for what it is, and take a good look around yourself. What needs nourishing in your life? Feed these things with what they need. Savor the moments. Release the stress of having to do or be more, release the stress of expectations and fall into the blessing and grace of what is, right now.


Adventure is calling. It’s time to plan something new and exciting for yourself. You have a lot to give, and this is likely to be an abundant time for you. Take advantage of this energy by nourishing projects and dreams that may have fallen by the wayside. Prioritize your life, take stock of what you have, and count your blessings. Others are more likely to cooperate with you during this time as well, so ask for the help that you need.


You’re challenged to express your true thoughts and emotions instead of bottling it up. Communication is a strong theme for you, especially right now. It’s important that you create verbal boundaries with people and situations that aren’t good for you, and it’s important that you communicate what you really want and need. Others’ can’t be responsible for what you don’t communicate. Give yourself the freedom to let loose a bit. This could spark a path of great emotional healing for you.


You’re moving forward into new experiences and new things right now. Trust your path and trust that you have the skills you need to succeed. Make it a point to do a bit of extra self-care during any transitional experiences. Even if it’s good change, it can still be stressful, and you still need to take good care of yourself. Your instincts are strong right now, and the path before you is open. Some travel plans could be in the works as well and are supported by the spirits.


Opportunities to face your fears, especially regarding relationships and connections, will come to you during this time. It’s not an option anymore to turn away, or hide. In order to grow you’ll need to embrace these experiences and recognize what you’re truly afraid of, and in what areas of your life you’ve simply been projecting your fears on. The truth will out. Don’t be afraid to see it.


You are many things, and you are capable of adapting to all kinds of situations. Your skills in adaptation are likely to be called for during this time. The challenge for you is to refrain from labeling your experiences as good or bad, so that you don’t miss the wisdom in them. Areas of confusion will become clear when you allow things to be what they are, and adapt accordingly.


Rest and step back from the bustle of everyday life. Connect with the power within yourself, and allow yourself space to heal and be without the pressures of the outside world. This is a time of awakening for you, a time where what’s been below the surface is getting ready to come up into your consciousness. Prepare for this by taking good care of yourself. Lend a hand to others or do any kind of good works for the joy of it alone. This will feed your spirit.


So many ideas abound for you, and you may find that the world is spinning fast. This energy is motivating, but you’ll need to really think through your plans all the way to the end to ensure that your ideas are truly viable. You may get sidetracked by mystery or confusion. Some things can only be known, but not explained. Accept that truth. You’ll find that with a bit of effort, the way will become clear for you, and you’ll know what to do next to set things in motion.


You may find yourself in a position where the question of whether or not you’re strong enough to humble yourself comes into play. You have a lot of greatness to share, but can you make space for the greatness of others without feeling threatened? Can you allow yourself to be enough without the need to compare or one-up others? The opportunity to discover how abundant or impoverished your spirit is will present itself to you. You always have the power to make necessary changes.

Featured image via pixabay.

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